Thursday, April 14, 2016

WALT use storyline.

In the white box, find a picture or draw a picture of what happened in that part of the story. In the grey box, write one sentence to summarize what happened there.

Screenshot 2016-04-14 at 12.42.30 PM.png

Screenshot 2016-04-14 at 12.45.30 PM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-14 at 12.50.17 PM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-14 at 12.45.30 PM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-12 at 12.36.27 PM.png
Tiddler  is  riding on a seahorse
He was swimming in the sea
Tiddler was making babbels
He was smiling to his friends
Tiddler was happy to go to

Screenshot 2016-04-15 at 9.30.44 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-15 at 9.27.50 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-15 at 9.22.22 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-12 at 12.40.50 PM.png
Screenshot 2016-04-15 at 9.14.03 AM.png

Tiddler was  being nice to his friends
Tiddler was in the start   
Tiddler is going to school with him and his friend
Tiddler was all by himself
Tiddler is playing with his friends

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I made a story all by my salf

we done mapping the story

Mapping the story!

The main character is...
(put a picture here and then describe your character)

Screenshot 2016-04-12 at 12.40.50 PM.png

He has lots of friends he always go to school late    

The setting is...
He went to school late because he was lost and he was riding on a seahorse

Interesting words
That he was always late for school and he keep on getting a growling

He should of went to school
Oyler so he kood of not got a growling.

this is my gruffalo pictures

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

WALT multiple parts of a whole

we were learning to know how to use 1/4 and understudying know to use multiple parts of a whole 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

WALT compare different books we have read

today i learnt to compare different books we have read  .

Main Character
Rhyming words
What happened in the story?
The Gruffalo


The mouse trick all the people
Gruffalo claffalo
That the mouse was lying to the other animals
Room on the Broom
The whice .

He keep on dropping his
Staff on the grand
Which set
Dripping dripping
I am a dragon as mean as can be i
Am planing to have  whice and chips for tea

He keep on going to class late
Late bate state
The register called
Out the role and tiddler was late for school
Monkey puzzle
The  little baby monkey

He was looking for he mother and father
Looking booking
That he coulden find his mother and father

Monday, April 4, 2016

my new words for this year.

i learned new words and put a pitcher so they know what it means.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

my pet

the wonky donky

When i was scerd

I was scared when I had to go to athletics day  because  I had to go and race with other people. I was scared  because there was a lot of fast people. The first round of  people that went on the first  was room 1 then room 2 then room 3 then room 4 next was room 6  then the other class  but when  me and the other
people had a race with  me.  I was scared was when I first went to rock climbing with my aunty  because when you look  down it feels like I was  going to fool  when i hold on to the rock and it feels like my hands are going to slip.  I was scared when I was   coming   to school  late because it just feels weed when you come into the class and every one is sitting on the mat.
I was scared when my name was up on the
bored because  when my other teacher comes back I get an grayling .