Wednesday, June 27, 2018

introduction fairy tail

Once upon a time
One sunny day
One beautiful bright sunny day
One marvelous day
One horrible rainy day
One sad dreary day

In a faraway land
In the deepest ocean
In the darkest prison
Far far away
In a dark forest
In a vast desert
In a creepy dungeon
In the scary woods
In a haunted house
In a movie set
In a creepy maze
In a wonderful school
In a small town

There was
A beautiful girl
An old man
Royal family
A wise girl
A handsome man
A traveller
A scary monster
A butler
Handsome prince
beautiful queen
Creepy clown
Young princess
Royal king
Famous celebrity
A gangster bodyguard
A music producer
A sad servant
A sneaky thief
Who was Lost
Who was Enormously rich
Who was Poor
Who was a Diva
Who lived in a cottage
Who had 6 sons and 6 daughters
Had a glass eyeball
Had a ginormous family
Lived in las vegas
Who had robotic legs
Who was a marvellous actor
Who only ever had onions
Who was a robber
Who lived on the streets
Part time DJ part time spy
Who had only leg
Who was a murderer
Who was a huge nerd
Who had one fat eye

One sunny day on a far far away home  there was this pretty girl named Emma she was the only child and she was spoiled by her parents.

The dads name was lasiti and the mums name was silena they had a moneyed family and there little family lived in a castle and there little family had a funny family. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Fire house

Title: Room 7  Co-constructed narrative
Labels: writing

House on fire
Hear sirens going off - firemen are coming
Put the fire out with water hoses

Smoke is strong
Problem - there might be people inside?!
PS4 is still inside. - valuables
Clothes are inside.
Might be cats or dogs inside

Playing fortnite- little boy poured water on the plug.
Little boy - craig. Blonde hair, 1 metre high, 8 years old, freckles, brown eyes, short curly
hair, fortnite t shirt, drinking water, laughed and dropped the cup, or got angry, screamed.

Fire in the house
One sunny beautiful Saturday Craig was playing Fornite with his friend Jack. They had been playing all day long.
Craig was a 8 year old boy with blonde, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing his favourite turquoise Fornite shirt and seafoam pants. Jack was 9 and had jet black hair and bright blue eyes. The two boys were playing Fornite in the lounge at Craig’s house. The lounge looked like a pigsty, with stinky socks, pizza boxes and mountain dew cans everywhere.
Craig was sooo engrossed in his game. He leapt out of the bus, pressed X and landed on one of the houses. Craigs thumbs and fingers were starting to ache from playing for sooo long without a break. Jack thought a glass of water might wake him up, so he went to get his friend a cool glass of icy water. He was just strolling back into the messy lounge, when he heard Craig scream “OHHH YEAH HEADSHOT!”. It gave Jack such a fright that he dropped the glass of water, and “Oh no!” he screamed, it tipped straight onto the electrical plug. Craig sniffs “sniff sniff”, “I can smell smoke, is the oven on?”. Jack yells “THERE’S A FIRE, HELP!”. Craig finally looks up from his game to see that the PS4 caught on fire! Craig thought to himself “Dang it, I was about to win!”. The two boys rushed outside leaving all their valuables behind.
Jack ran to the neighbours house and asked to borrow Lucy’s phone. “HELP HELP OUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!”. Craig could hear the sirens of the fire engines getting closer and closer. Jack and Craig tried to comfort each other, but they were panicking so much and couldn’t hear each other over the sirens and blaring smoke alarms. The firetrucks arrived and extinguish the flames in 1 long hour.
The two boys felt depressed. Their game was over, and they didn’t win. And now… their house was destroyed.

Thursday, June 14, 2018



The full moon
The full moon is in the violet blue sky with all the stars shine
bright down to the cold freezing river as it reflect upon.

The full moon is a white bright moon just like some peoples
white teeth.

The full moon is the last one to happen in the night time.Full moon
is a enormous large circle of grey hard iron.
The full moon is like the light in your room but just whiter,
brighter and lighter.

The full moons bright light is shiny through the blue cold
freezing water in the river.

The trees  are full with dead green leaves as it float down to the
violet river as it’s waves swishing through the soil upon the grass.

The Clouds are Long and bright Like some of the white Candy floss.

Some Clouds Can be Short and long some can be
Fluffy and Bright.

Most Clouds can be large and some clouds can look
Like other stuff like a cat or a dog .


This video is of the sun.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

science words

1. Scattered throw in various random directions.

2. Probe through investigation into a crime or other matter.

3. Dirty snowballs the comet are sometime called dirty snowballs because they are made out of lumpy dust and ice.

4 Investigate carry out a careful or formal inquiry or discover and inspect the facts of ( an mistake that has gone wrong, hint , etc stand for etcetera.) so as to establish the truth. 

5. Gravity is when there is no oxygen in space or anywhere else.

We have learnt a lot of sciency words and I really enjoyed doing it.